Note · This applies to the v4x series. Click here for overall docs →



The Printable sheet provides a set of annual statements pre-formatted for ease of printing.

Note, this sheet deprecated in v5 of the Standard Model base.

This sheet provides analyses and reports pre-configured for ease of printing. All numbers are drawn from other lines in the model, and this sheet can be hidden or deleted if not required.

How to use

The sheet consists of:

  • Income Statement, annual for five years
  • Balance Sheet Statement, annual for five years
  • Statement of Cash Flows, annual for five years

More to be added based on user demand.

How it works

All information on this sheet is pulled from the Statements or Hooks sheets.


No inputs on this sheet.

Common Modifications

There are two common edits to this sheet:

  • Often people will make business-specific edits to the statements to highlight different parts of the business, by breaking out revenues, SG&A, other income, or other items, simply to provide more detail about the business. It's simple to insert lines and pull in data from other sheets into here.
  • Often people will want to create additional reports that they want to be preformatted for printing or pasting into a pitch deck or presentation, and it's common to add them on to this sheet.