For help using the models or financial modeling in general, the Documentation section is a good place to start, for questions about your purchase, start with Help, or contact me for questions and assistance requests.
For help using the models or financial modeling in general, the Documentation section is a good place to start, for questions about your purchase, start with Help, or contact me for questions and assistance requests.
We'll do a 15 minute call or screenshare to talk about your needs, situation, and the model you're using (or need) to figure out the best solution for you.
If you have difficulty in finding availability in a reasonable timeframe for your question, please contact me and I'll see what I can open up.
I'm best available Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm EST, and I try to personally respond as fast as I can.
Hi! Thanks for the note. I'll respond as quickly as I can, noting the working hours above. If you have an immediate need, text or call me at the phone number above.