
Help on Purchases

Questions on your purchase? Start here.


The models are extensively documented with notes and comments inside the spreadsheets. There are also many videos and deeper explanations at Documentation.


You'll be able to download or access the model instantly after purchase. The models are either Google Sheets™ files or Microsoft Excel™ (.xlsx) files, fully open and unlocked for editing, and can be used in compatible spreadsheet programs on Macs and PCs easily.

I use Gumroad to handle transactions and distribute the model files. You'll get a payment receipt by email after purchase, and can create an invoice easily through the links in the receipt. That email will also include your unique download link; the files in Gumroad are active and continuously updated, and you can always download the most recent version of your model through that download link in your purchase receipt from Gumroad or by logging into your Gumroad account. [1] If you do not have an account, create one with the email used for purchase and you will be able to access the latest model version anytime.

I recommend using Microsoft Excel ™ or Google Sheets ™ for financial modeling, both in general and for Foresight templates specifically.

Foresight's models can be used in both interchangeably; simply upload the Excel formated model template from Foresight into Google Sheets, and everything will work fine. More details at Recommended Software


I offer products on a variety of pricing methods. Many tools are offered at fixed prices, some are offered on a pay-what-you-want basis, and some are completely free. The pay-what-you-want products have a variety of suggested prices, but can all be downloaded for free simply by entering "0" into the price input box.

New in January 2023, my transaction provider provides purchasing power parity discounts based on where customers live, so that prices are proportional to local currencies and cost of living. The discounts range from 20% to 60% and are sourced from World Bank data and regularly refreshed. The exact amount of the discount is determined by my transaction provider Gumroad, and will show in your cart prior to payment. Purchasing power parity discounts cannot be combined with Foresight coupons. You can choose to decline the purchasing power parity discount if desired.


Your purchase of a model allows you download the latest version of that model at anytime. I use Gumroad to distribute the files; you can always download the most recent version of your model through your original Gumroad receipt. You will also get an email anytime that the model is updated so that you'll be aware of new updates and can download the latest version. [2]

The models are updated when needed, but no more than they have to, as changes can be disruptive to users. All purchasers get updates of new versions automatically by email, and the models come with Changelog sheets that describe the changes that happen in each model version.

Most of the time the changes are new features that are optional for users to add. If the updates are critical, the email updates will note that the updates are necessary and the Changelog sheet inside the relevant model will provide instructions on how to make the updates.

I am always working on updates to the models, working to add in new features or make changes based on requests by users. The latest update date can be found in the Changelog in each model, and I also add edits to the company-wide Changelog If you have any questions on the product roadmap for any model, just contact me.


Simply contact me by email, phone, WhatsApp, text - I'm happy to help. I do my best to respond promptly and advise on how to use the templates for your usecase, and I'm happy to take a look at your model to make sure you are using it correctly for your situation. Feel free to schedule a free 15 minute chat to chat in real-time. Support on understanding and using the models is always free.

Documentation on the models and tips on financial modeling in general are at Documentation →


Customizations and model edits are paid services. I provide a 1 hour Get Started service as a jumpstart to using a Foresight template; for more in-depth needs, I do 50-100 custom model projects per year.

Ratings, Reviews, and Feedback

Summary ratings and reviews are available on each product page for that product, per product category, and aggregated for all products. All platforms I use for courses and products use a 5 to 1 rating system (5 being the best, 1 being the worst), and I provide per product, per category ratings, and aggregated ratings for each product and throughout the website. All reviews are available at Users.

Template ratings can be submitted on each product's Gumroad download page, course ratings and reviews can be submitted in Maven's student pages under the survey section. Ratings and reviews can also be submitted through the form on the Feedback page.


I generally offer exchanges for similar-priced models if we determine that a different model is a better fit based on your needs. Contact me and we can figure out if a different model would be a better fit.


If you find that you need more detail or structure from a more advanced model, you can apply your purchase towards a more advanced model. The structures are fairly consistent so it's usually fairly easy to take any inputs from your existing Foresight model and use it in a more advanced model.

It's a manual process for me to process an upgrade purchase (charge you the difference in prices between models), and I like to talk to you first to make sure the more advanced model will be helpful for what you want to accomplish. Just contact me to learn more.


In any cases I offer downgrades to a less advanced model if the model you purchased is more than you need. Contact me to learn more about downgrades and see if a less advanced model would be a better fit for you.

If you have any questions about the applicability of the models for your business or questions about the models, contact me anytime for a chat or a demo.


I accept refunds on a case-by-case basis. Here's my rationale for the policy.

I used to offer a full refund policy, no questions asked. But it was abused, blatantly abused by people that would purchase a model and respond nearly instantly asking for a refund with no explanation. Or in some cases people requested for a refund - even though they confirmed the model did what they wanted - because it did a few things they didn't need. And I processed the refunds, because that was my policy.

With a physical product, returns and refunds is easier to justify, because once you've sent the product back, you don't have it anymore, and a merchant can resell it. But with a digital file, there's no way for me to "take it back".

In addition, I find that some purchasers that requested refunds simply didn't understand how to use the model, but once I was able to explain to them how to use it for what they wanted to accomplish, they loved the model. Financial modeling can be a complicated thing; I've worked hard to make the models as easy to use as possible, but this is a fundamentally hard thing, and almost without fail, with a little hand holding and direction I am able to successfully guide people on how to use the model.

To stop the abuse and help people use the models, I adopted a no refund policy in 2016. I've had a few complaints - less than five per thousand purchases - and it's worked in sharply cutting out the abuse.

In 2022 I decided to formalize what actually did in practice, and that was in accepting refunds on a case-by-case basis. If you have an issue, and you reach out within one month from purchase. I will first work to see if an exchange, upgrade, or downgrade to a different model is a better fit for your needs. If a different model is not a fit, and we've discussed how the model is not a fit for your business, then I will process a refund.

If you have any questions about the applicability of the models for your business or questions about the models, contact me before purchase, and you can explain a bit about what you're looking to accomplish and I'll help figure out if the models are a good fit for you. If you're looking for more information not covered online, I am also generally happy to do an online demo, here's my schedule, or email me if the days/times do not fit.

VAT (Value-Added Tax)

If applicable, VAT is additional to the listed product prices. EU law requires businesses, even US-based businesses, to charge VAT for digital goods sold to EU customers.

Businesses with a valid VAT number issued by any Member State of the EU can enter in their VAT number at time of checkout to not get charted VAT on the purchase, or they can request a VAT refund after purchase. My transaction provider’s process for issuing a VAT refund is pretty simple; just click on the Generate Invoice link in your emailed purhcase receipt, enter your VAT number, and your invoice will be updated to show the VAT refund, and you’ll get the refund back to your payment method within a few days. Details at I want a VAT refund.


I value partnerships with companies and products that help entrepreneurs build their businesses. I have an affiliate program that will be launching soon; for questions regarding affiliate partnerships, contact me ›

Bulk Licensing

For incubators, accelerators, and universities looking to purchase a model for a group of startups or entrepreneurs, bulk license purchasing is available at a 30% discount for more than five licenses. [3]

Inquiries, contact me.

  1. For purchasers prior to late 2011, I used E-Junkie to handle transactions and distribute files. Contact me and we will take care of creating a new account and giving you access to a comparable model to the one you purchased. ↩︎

  2. For purchasers prior to late 2011, I used E-Junkie to distribute the files, and simply contact me to get the latest version of a comparable model. ↩︎

  3. Details on the single purchase licenses is in the license agreement. ↩︎