

New updates and improvements to Foresight

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  • Created a video to walkthrough how to add additional calculation blocks to extend the Exit Waterfall for more share classes, and created Exit Waterfall, Extended sheet with two additional calculation blocks.

  • Edited Forecast sheet to change the default debt amortization schedule, with a change to the interest expense and principal payment lines, no impact unless using interest-only payment or balloon payment, in which case the interest expense during interest-only period is slighly larger, and the balloon payment input now offers more realistic method.

Black Friday

A couple specials for Black Friday this year:

Terms and conditions at Coupons.

Added two new products by Graph Advisors:

  • Venture Investment Tracker, an investment pipeline and portfolio company CRM tool built for Airtable
  • Data Room Checklist, a Google Doc and Notion page checklist to help emerging venture capital managers provide a data room for prospective limited partners

Change to all Venture Capital Models:

  • Edited Forecast sheet, adding a toggle(checkbox in Google Sheets, TRUE/FALSE in Excel) to choose whether the GP commit into the LP capital in the fund is charged management fees. By default in previous model versions the GP commit incurred management fees, by default now it does not, but there is a checkbox to toggle the treatment. Added one new line, and edited Management Fees line.

  • Edited Forecast sheet for the Excel file download to fix a formula - calculation of share price per round - that was broken in the Excel download. No change to the Google Sheets version.

  • Added new category for Other Current Assets to Forecast, Statements, and Summary sheets, to provide an extra asset account to break it out from potentially amortized long term other assets.
  • Edited Forecast sheet to create a new build for Amortization of Other Assets, to match the structure for Depreciation. This was done to create a bit more flexibility in the assets and amortization accounts.
  • Edited Statements sheet to change the reporting of net income and retained earnings on the balance sheet; previously this reported current month net income, and each month (or each period, if using quarterly or annual timescale) it added net income to retained earnings. Changed so that it now tracks net income over a fiscal year, and adds to retained earnings at the start of the next fiscal year. No change to the net of retained earnings and net income, just a shift between them, to balance it out differently.

Change to all Venture Capital Models:

  • Edited Forecast sheet calculation of RVPI to estimate the value of carried interest. Previously RVPI was reported on a gross basis, while DPI was reported on a net basis, creating a TVPI that reflected a net DPI and gross RVPI, slightly overestimating TVPI because it did not estimate future carried interest incurred when the unrealized gains were realized. A small edit that removed the slight change in TVPI on the last period where RVPI goes to zero. Easy to replicate into any existing model by copying the new formula.

Celebrating a Milestone

A Foresight milestone: $1 million in sales from templates and tools. Details →

  • Edited Forecast sheet to add a new Runway calculation, to calculate the number of months runway based on cash at the beginning of the month and future expenses. The model calculates runway two ways, one just a simple current cash divided by net burn that month, the second way looking at how long current cash lasts based on future cash flows, thus accounting for changes in net burn in the future. Both can be valuable in thinking about runway.
  • New sheet called Snapshot, that is intended to help with analysis. Pick a date, and the model will report expected quarterly revenues, runway, cash in the bank at the end of the selected month, and create a table and chart showing major changes in cash over the previous 3 months and next three months from the selected date. Goal is to help with analysis, this is a first version and expect this to change over time.